In the present technical age every single person is highly dependent on the machines for most of their tasks. At the same time, the perception of management and organizations has changed to large extent. According to the modern business model, the companies today give more value to its employees and measuring employee satisfaction than to the infrastructure and machines installed. There are several different methods that are used most commonly for the measurement of employee satisfaction in an organization. First is the use of job descriptive index or JDI. It is a scale which is used to identify five main factors increasing the job contentment of the workers. These are mentoring, salary, kind of work, co-workers and promotion. It is the most preferred method for majority of firms. MSG which is also called as Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire includes hundred items to measure twenty aspects for measuring employee satisfaction with their work. The versions available are of three types - two long forms and third is short form. Job in general scale is one more method to determine how much satisfied employees are with the job and the company. Now, it has become a tool for global measurement of employee job contentment. The interview method is the most common and successful practice. It is done for the review of a particular person if any. It also reviews the data collected as a result of different procedures. Last but not the least is satisfied and dissatisfied method. Under this approach there is designed a question form that includes some questions in regards to employee’s view about the organization. The questions covered under this would be like- what is good about the company that employees appreciate and vice versa. The results of this method used for measuring employee satisfaction are obtained within few minutes. Hence this process is used for emergency situations. The result of using this approach is that it increases the employee turnover and improves their performance. High enthusiasm level, good team work and more quality work are some of the most beneficial outcomes that justify the reason why companies are going for such techniques.