One of the major problems that most of the companies are facing today is the decreasing ratio of talented and stable employees. As employees are the key ingredient of a successful organization it is necessary to make sure that every staff member is satisfied with the company. Mostly companies these days conduct employee opinion survey. These surveys are the tools to know what your staff is thinking. It is essential to conduct these surveys in a proper manner so that these would not be just wastage of time and employees will also understand their significance. It is only then they would tend to give true feedback that is necessary for the success of the surveys. Most of the organizations today lack the required experience for conducting the employee opinion survey. Many others do not have enough time to design the questionnaire. There are many off the shelf surveys available. One should not go for such practices. A survey should always be as per the requirements of the organization and also work force. Moreover such surveys would not take much out of the pocket.  Bring a professional from outside as staff generally hesitates to give honest feedback. Thus to take them into confidence it is essential to bring an expert from outside for the survey. Ensure that all of the respondents know all the rules. They should know the benefit of conducting these employees opinion survey for themselves and for the company also. At last it is necessary to communicate the results to the employees. Make sure to give the true feedback only and avoid sugarcoating it. It is must as some of the brilliant performers would come into light and thus contribute much for the growth of the company. On the other hand, low performers would come to know about their weak areas and will work upon those points. Remember these useful tips if you want to see your business reach heights.