Every person knows well as to what interviews are. They appraise whether a specific individual is apt for a job post and is a vital part of appointing. Have you heard anything on the subject of exit interviews? It’s a budding latest trend that is fast becoming an essential part of several organizations. So what exactly it is? It’s an interview that’s conducted with employees who are leaving the organization. Most likely their manager or someone from the human resource department conducts this interview. Generally, participating in such type of interview is voluntary and organizations must for force employees to appear for it as a subject of policy. At times, the concerned people would like that their details stay anonymous. Some people may prefer a questionnaire instead of a live interview. It’s important that an exit interview is conducted fairly without favoritism. It is because the organization is not aiming to take revenge or annoy because the employee is leaving the company. As a manager/HR, you are looking to find out the reason in general that has made the employee leave your company. Exit interviews are an ideal way to draw out responses considering the organization’s flaws and focus on perking up its ability to keep hold of quality employees. It’s explicable that a present employ won’t be approaching organization’s faults, processes and policies as it may pose a risk to his job.  Although, if he is exiting the job he is more probable to be eloquent and open about organization’s short comings and those areas of that need improvement. Most employees take in a good deal of understanding during their time with their company. As a consequence of their leaving, helpful knowledge is irreversibly lost. So, ascertain that people replacing them take part in the exit interviews. In this way, an information transfer is influenced paving the way to improve and sustain the organization.