Exit interviews are often carried out at times when employees are leaving their jobs. Nevertheless, they are essential for successful companies that want to look surreptitious for grounds of their employee’s exit. There are some conflicting viewpoints about such interviews as to the requirement them in the initial situate. Here comes the question whether an employee should participate in it or not. If yes, how will it benefit them? Secondly, exiting employees would barely afford to deny the fact that their declarations would result in a backlash, especially when they are making the revelations in writing. To take part in such exit interviews is your choice. When you are faced in such interview, you must think cautiously about what you are going to reveal as it can jeopardize any chance of your reappointment if there is any. If you are sure that your remarks will cause no harm, both for you and the company, you need to be diplomatic. There are essential tips to help you confidently participate in such interviews. On the surface, these personal interviews help organization to take precautionary measures by gathering information such as possible bigotry, favoritism and lack of opportunities. Thus, when you are aware of the purpose behind the exit interview, you will know how to approach one. On your part, participating in such interview is not a compulsion. Even if you are not going to lose or gain anything from it, you still need to make sure that it is not used against you. It is imperative to maintain your calm. The questions asked may seem to be trifling. Take this as your chance to make the interviewer feel that you have no rivalry against them. There will be probably more than a few formalities that needs to done, such as acceptance of your resignation and receipt of the final payment. However, if you are asked to sign anything suspicious, take time to review them again, and comprehend the contents. Bear in mind that exit interviews is possibly not compulsory.  If you have any doubts or feel uncomfortable to participate in such interviews, just gather the strength and politely refuse to attend the interview.