Exit interviews and surveys are important for any business organization because they provide a perfect opportunity to the employees to discuss the reasons of leaving the job and allow the company to evaluate and improve the staff retention plans and policies. These interviews help to provide you valuable information and insight about the company operations and ongoing processes. In this highly competitive world, business organizations are looking for effective ways to recruit and maintain the most talented and sincere employees. While some staff attrition can be good and healthy for the organization, high employee turnover shows dissatisfaction with different aspects related to the working of your organization. This can include ineffective managers or leaders, insufficient or improper training, lack of career and development opportunities and uncompetitive benefits and compensation. Exit surveys and interviews help to gather important information from the employees about how it feels working with your company and what all things are required to improve different areas. Thus, the exit interviews are an efficient way to identify why the employees are engaged or satisfied with the organization or why the employees are planning to leave or want to leave your company. However, in order to make the most out of these interviews and surveys, it is quite important to follow few necessary guidelines to conduct the interviews. When planning to organize the interview, it is always advisable to use an independent third party, probably a senior manager or person from the HR department. This has to be a person who is not connected with the everyday working of the employee such as his direct supervisor as this will definitely not provide you with a candid feedback about the working or functioning of any particular department. Having a perfect environment is also very important for an honest and open feedback thus you should aim to conduct the interview in any neutral office which is away from the regular workplace of the employee. Thus, there are various things which you need to consider when conducting the exit interviews.