Exit interview is extremely important for any organization because they offer an excellent opportunity to the employees to talk about the reasons for leaving the job. These kinds of interviews help the organization to assess and improve the employee retention policies. However in order to make the most of the exit interviews you need to consider few important things. The most important thing is to adopt the structured approach. Do not treat this kind of interview as some formality or in a causal way. You must ensure that the interview has a purpose and a definite structure. As a smart employer you should contemplate the fact that it is very important to find the reason why an employee has left as this will enable you to make the necessary changes or improvements to your organization in order to prevent any further resignations. When it comes to the exit interviews, probably the most significant tool is the questionnaire form which includes a series of relevant questions which you probably wish to ask. In order to get valuable and relevant information it is very important that you carefully design the questionnaire. Besides, it is very important to ensure that an appropriate staff member conducts the exit interview. This can be a member from the HR team or may be a senior supervisor or manager. This is mainly because the employee can answer the questionnaire honestly without any kind of pressure or apprehensions if the person conducting the interview is not the one who used to deal with the employee on daily basis. Besides, getting the correct environment is also very essential for an honest and open discussion. You can arrange the exit interview in an office, away from the workplace of the employee. Another important thing which you need to consider is that it is very important to keep the exit interview highly confidential and anonymous so that the employees do not hesitate while discussing their reasons for leaving. The, exit interviews are extremely important as they allow you to comprehend why the employees leave and thus you can take measures or make necessary changes to improve the organizational practices.