Running a business and an organization is not a piece of cake and everybody or anybody cannot do it successfully. At times, those who have the sense to commence it, find it difficult to retain it because of the unsatisfied employees of the workplace. Now, this is when it becomes significantly necessary that you have the basic idea about the thought process of your employees about the whole organization and its system. One of the best ways to carry out this procedure is through human resource surveys. It is a fact that when one employee leaves the company and a new one has to fill up that position, it takes a lot from the company, in terms of both time and money. So, why not resource the existing employees with a supporting system where they can speak out their mind confidentially, expecting that their issues would be considered and settled down by the organization. This is certainly a powerful tool to sustain the employees because they are nurtured so well by you. It has been observed that almost every organization’s employees feel at some point of time that they are underpaid and overworked that leads to their actions of resigning from the job as some other company is offering them a better package. This is where the company has to make the human resource surveys a mediator to get inside the minds of the employees to solve out their queries, which they do not feel comfortable to ask in person. Some employees get bothered due to the work environment and various other subordinate related issues but most of the time they do not address it to the HR department. They might experience some inconvenience while following the company’s rules and regulations, which is very common and unavoidable. Make human resource surveys your right hand and improve things where you are lacking, to make sure that your workforce is satisfied and your company’s efficiency reaches the top.