Typically, the HR department of any organization conducts the exit interview surveys to accumulate information from departing personnel to assist the company in improving working conditions, identifying problematic areas within the organization and most importantly retaining existing workforce. One of the great elements of exit interview survey software is that it ensures complete confidentiality of feedbacks. Thus, departing employees would not hesitate to provide extremely open and honest feedback about their reason for leaving the company and their views on what steps should be taken to ensure growth for the organization. Nevertheless, while exit interviews are vital tactics utilized by any organization that is serious about retaining their employees, there are certain pitfalls to avoid. Some of the critical challenges that businesses face while conducting exit interviews include misinterpretation, interviewer bias, incomplete data feeding, lack of confidentiality, and inconsistency in data collected. So, as a HR manager what you should do to eradicate these pitfalls? Nowadays, most of the companies are turning towards for automated exit interview process. In simple words, when employees leave the organization, or are in their final week of tenure, there are certain courses of action that are followed: First the HR manager is notified about the departing employee’s name and the last day of their work. Then the HR manager sends an email to the departing worker that links them to online exit interview survey software, where they can give their feedback. The interview survey form is pre-coded with the departing employee’s name and their job position, and the department in which they worked, so that it becomes easy for the HR manager can easily report and feed results through this data. After the survey has been completed, the HR manager is notified through an email, and the survey results are automatically entered into the online database, from where reports can be generated. The HR manager may invite the departing employee’s supervisor to review the feedback or add any further comments in the survey form. The HR manager then run reports to review collective exit interview results, identify trends, and measure the change in ratings for the entire company, or any particular department. In short, well structured exit interview software can provide invaluable insight of employee satisfaction and commitment, and improve employee retention, and thus it should be a compulsory deliberation of any employer who is serious about improving their workers satisfaction levels.