Measuring employee satisfaction is an important step to determine if the employees are satisfied and happy with the work culture and atmosphere and with their job as well. Boosting up the morale of the employees proves to be quiet beneficial for a company or organization. This is because satisfied employees remain loyal towards their company, also put extra efforts and help to increase productivity of the company. A prudent employer must use various ideas and methods to keep his employees happy and satisfied. Various methods can be implemented for measuring employee satisfaction such as various surveys can be carried out at regular intervals of time and also personal interviews to have right and accurate information from the employees. This method is very useful if implemented in an efficient and proper manner. These surveys must be unspecified as it gives complete freedom to the employees to give answers honestly and without fear or any pressure. Personal interviews are also a very useful method for measuring employee satisfaction. Through the personal interviews, employee feels good about the way his concerns are addressed by the management. Personal interviews and surveys are very useful in having the right and required information about employee satisfaction and also help the employer to have an idea about the problem which becomes a reason for the low morale of the employees. A perfect way to make the employee feel satisfied is to have a team spirit and provide responsibility and authority in his task, this will definitely encourage him to be more productive and efficient in his work. Also arranging for trips, parties, and outings proves to be very beneficial in developing healthy relations among the employees. This method is very helpful in developing team spirit and helps to get good results with regard to employee satisfaction. Satisfied employees are an asset to the organization as when they feel that their performance is recognized and respected they will definitely give their best and help the company to make profits.