Being a business head or a CEO of the company at times you fail to understand the mentality of your employees but knowing it properly is quite vital for the overall development of the business. It is important to known about the compatibility level of the employee with the organization because it only then that your business will progress. If you are neglecting your employee then you are doing a serious mistake. No business can perform well without the employee and it is important to keep them satisfied and you can only get to know what they feel is through human resource surveys. An organization can never become strong if you dissatisfied employees; you need to know each and every employee by heart and these surveys make sure that every employee gets the best while in your premise. This can help you build a strong bond with your employees. They might not be able to speak with you as a business head by the Human resource team should be capable enough to make them speak and ask them what they find lacking. Being in your premise there might be many things that might bother them and force them not to give their best. An employee is entitled to many privileges and if they do not receive it is actually a loss to the business. Human resource surveys motivate the employees to speak their heart out and a correct evaluation might tremendous change in their performance. Not only employees these surveys also include client satisfaction and also calculate what the stake holders feel about the business. To have an effective HR team for a business is quite crucial that can guide you ways to develop. It is their job to find the dissatisfied employees and clients and find ways to work for their satisfaction.