Is your company struggling with high turnover? Do you recruit strong employees, but have trouble keeping them? A simple exit survey can show you how to fix these problems.

High turnover creates a toxic environment. Your employees may not take their work seriously, because they’ve seen so many other coworkers come and go. It can also give them the impression that “the ship is sinking,” which poisons morale.

It’s time to create a better workplace for the employees you want to keep, by learning from the ones that left.

Implement a mandatory exit survey protocol. This is the best way to find out exactly why someone is leaving.

Exit surveys give employees a chance to:

  • Vent: They can air grievances and shed some much needed light on why they were unhappy.
  • Tell you how you could have kept them: Maybe some simple steps could have kept them on staff. Often, you won’t know someone feels undervalued or misused until they have given you their notice.
  • Tell you how to improve: Their feedback can show you exactly where any problems with your company culture exist. Use this info to make changes, before you start seeing more exit surveys citing the same problems.

It’s easier to make changes to keep your current employees, than it is to hire and train new ones.  So if you have the chance to find out why people are leaving, take it. Learn from it. And make a change.

If you have any questions about what exit survey software can do for your company, please contact us any time.