For a business owner, it is very essential to know the importance of exit surveys. If you are a business owner and your key employee is eager to hand over a resignation letter to you, what will you do? Exit survey should be your answer. It is mainly focused to know the main reason why that key employee or other employees want to leave the company. The loss of a key employee can cost the destiny of an organization, so it is very important for a business owner to know the exact reason why their employees are leaving the company so that the essential measures can be implemented in order to retain the current employees. It is true that most employees who are going to leave a company often do not mention the exact reason for leaving but these surveys play crucial role in knowing the exact reason of their resignation. By knowing the true reason, you can further implement effective measures to correct any ill activities in an organization. These surveys are also conducted to know the experiences of that employee with the company. The employee is free to provide the information about the company culture and work environment. The leaving employees can prove to be a wonderful source to know the valuable ideas about an organization. Also, it helps a business owner to understand the exact feelings and experiences of existing employees. In this survey, the different types of questions like work load, safety standards, supervisory controls, pay benefits, orientation, practices and policies can be addressed. With the help of exit surveys, several development opportunities can be explored. In these surveys, the additional comments and suggestions can also be encouraged which can prove to be very beneficial for the industry. So, all these aspects for the company help a business owner to arrive at accurate and unbiased conclusions.