Reward and recognition system is very advantageous for boosting the morale of employees. It is very essential to have possible goals and a deadline to achieve those goals. Without goals and achievement, it becomes very difficult to acquire success. In order to crop up a professional environment, it is important to incorporate employee surveys in the company. It not only helps in boosting employee morale but it also helps the workers to complete their task on the given time. Such kinds of surveys also provide a clear insight about which incentive program is more preferable. The incentives and rewards are the best way to make workers functioning effectively and efficiently. Mission statement is another tool which can be used by business owners to define overall ambitions and values. It is important to create a deadline so that employees can easily complete their task in the given time. Also, employers should set possible goals which can be attainable and challengeable for the workers. Action plan is also essential to make your staff feel easy. The employee surveys help the employees to view their contribution to the company which is important to boost employee morale. There are five key points which every company considers to achieve great results. The first point is to set up the right goal or mission which you want to accomplish. Then create an action plan and follow it accordingly. Second point is to measure the productivity so that you can stay updated on what is remaining and what is not. The third point is to set attainable and possible goals which employees can achieve in the given time. It really motivates the employees. The fourth step is that every team member should work together effectively. Last but not the least point is to manage time effectively. So, all these points work effectively if done perfectly in employee surveys. Just make sure that inspiration techniques can motivate employees effectively.