Exit interviews help to provide valuable insight and information about the operations and work culture of your organization. These interviews are important for any business organization as these provide an opportunity to the employees to discuss the reasons and also allow the organizations to assess and improve the staff or employee retention policies. However in order to make the most out of the exit interviews, it is important that these should be well planned and well executed. Your management team should not treat this as a formality rather, make sure that it has a purpose and structure to it. As a smart and prudent employer, you need to remember that determining the reasons behind employee turnover will give you an opportunity to make the necessary changes and improvements within your organization to prevent any further resignations. The most important part of an exit interview is the series of relevant and significant questions that you probably want to ask. You must take time out to prepare the exit interview questionnaire form to include all the relevant questions as to obtain valuable feedback from the employee. Also, make sure that a neutral independent party or a human resource staff or supervisor conducts these exit interviews. This has to be someone who does not have any direct working relationship with the employee or have little contact instead of a direct line supervisor or manager to motivate the employees to be open and honest during the interview. Besides, it is very important to get the right environment while conducting the exit interviews as to ensure honest and open discussion. Thus, try to arrange the exit interview in some neutral office which is away from the routine workplace of the employee. You need to remember that if an employee has been quite sincere and hardworking then it is always better that they should have a very positive picture of your organization so that they can always come back if things do not work well at their new workplace.