Whether you are a small or large business, you can successfully increase profit, performance, competitiveness and sustainability by conducting employee surveys. In business, knowledge is considered everything. You must know about the services and products which you are offering, about the clients and customers, you must know about the trends in market and also about the competitors. As a business owner, you successfully meet all these requirements but one important area is always neglected. As an employer, it is very important for you to know about your staff and employees as well. You often tend to take them for granted but making an effort to know them, to understand their opinions, aspirations and how they perceive your company can have a positive impact on the business organization. And the most perfect way to accomplish this is by conducting employee surveys. We all know that people perform in a more better and efficient way in positive and conducive working environment. Keeping the employees happy and contended thus can have a significant effect on your business. These surveys when conducted regularly can help to boost the morale of your employees and encourage them to perform even better. Besides, staff attrition is a major problem in businesses today. Every time an employee leaves your organization, you have to spend both money and time to recruit and train the new employee and your customers and clients have to adapt to the working style of the new employee. The employee surveys would give you insight and valuable information about the cause of unhappiness or dissatisfaction which has resulted in high employee turnover in the organization. Backed with this valuable knowledge, you can now address these major concerns and issues and thus dissuade the employees from leaving. Also, unless, you do not about your employees, you can never be sure that you are utilizing their skills to the utmost potential. The employee surveys would help to reveal skills that you were probably unaware of and thus can use the existing skills to improve the efficacy and productivity of your business.