Companies today are running in a condition of severe competition. For all businesses, becoming the most prolific happens to be a compulsion for continued existence. With inadequate resources, organizations are identifying the meaning of possessing the ideal kind of labor force to impel success and expansion. Corporations are faced with challenges of appealing and keeping hold of the all the gifted employees. That is why, the workers' beliefs, wants, ambitions and other features that compel them, have to be distinguished and nurtured. Employee surveys are a brilliant way to appreciate and evaluate the implied and open aspects of employees' dealings with the organization. The environments of services have undergone radical variations, with workers as well as owners becoming more quality-conscious. Employee Surveys recognize the employees' desires and estimations, which, when encouraged, will be very valuable to the organizations durable growth. They offer a chance to employees to carry out themselves in a qualified manner that can improve their association with the management. These surveys were started to have many other advantages, such as reviewing training requirements, reforming communication, dipping turnover and non-attendance, increasing Administration and so forth. Every corporation embarks on some sort of survey to sense the workers pulse. At times, assessments are assumed to identify the roots of assured problems like elevated employee income, office conflicts or any other turbulence or serious incidents. Employee Surveys are usually planned in-house by the Human Resource division. Still, companies can seek the assistance of intermediary organizations that focus on employee survey services. There are several companies which have uploaded online feedback forms, presented and downloaded for free. Companies devise customized polls and also engage all correlated know-how in studying the survey. They employ professionals who possess skill in the way a survey should be done. They also utilize unique software and arithmetical tools for superior and quicker psychoanalysis of data.