If you’re not pleased with the results of your latest employee engagement surveys, remember: It comes from all levels of your organization. Not just the top.

Many people assume employee engagement starts at the top and trickles down. That is true to a degree, but there’s much more to it than that. Even your new hires have a direct impact on employee engagement.

Larry Myler, a Contributor at Forbes.com recently explored a new hire’s impact on engagement in a conversation with Sue Marks, founder and CEO of a talent management company called Pinstripe.

Myler wrote:

“According to Sue, ‘Employee engagement starts long before the recruiting process begins.’ Prior to initiating recruitment services for any new client, the Pinstripe team first establishes what they call the ‘employee proposition.’”

“This concept is based on the hiring company’s brand, and it helps guide all recruitment efforts toward that elusive and all-important prize known as fit—i.e. compatibility between the company and the new recruit. “

There’s nothing easy about it. Recruiting skilled people is hard enough. Bringing in the right people who can get on board with your goals and culture right away is tough. But trying to engage disconnected employees is much harder.

If you have any questions about what employee engagement surveys can do for your company, please contact us any time.