Conducting an exit interview is worthwhile when your company takes seriously the information it garners from an employee who is leaving the job voluntarily. It not only offers your organization a chance to gain constructive lessons, but it is a tool for transferring knowledge that is walking out the door with the employee.An exit interview can also:
  1. Help smooth over relations with a disgruntled worker on the way out and possibly avoid formal complaints or lawsuits.
  2. Offer insight into the culture and function of the workplace. 
  3.  Help maintain a positive connection between the departing employee and the company.
Use exit interviews as a learning tool The practice of conducting meaningful exit interviews can send the positive signal that the organization wants to learn how it can improve and not lose other good employees. Utilize Software to conduct your exit interviews Utlizie cost-effective online exit interview survey software to take advantage of exit interviews with departing employees. Don’t take exit interviews personally Some experts recommend waiting five to seven weeks after an employee leaves to conduct the exit interview. That way the lessons can come back to the company in a form that it might digest and learn from rather than personalize and reject. Review interview basics As with any employee interaction, the conduct of the exit interview must be done properly, even more carefully because the interviewee has less of a stake in the process as he is walking out the door.