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Employee opinion survey helps business get stable

clock May 18, 2010 07:58 by author Administrator
It is true that employees are considered as internal customers and it is very important to understand their behavior, attitude, feelings and motivations. Understanding these issues is very important for an organization. Employee opinion survey is essential to shape an organization and to enhance a company’s productivity. It is the perfect way to understand the employee’s mind which is essential for the company’s success. These types of surveys provide clear insight of a company’s complicated issues and help in correcting the useless practices that are followed in an organization. In this way, the business owner can not only increase the company’s productivity but also improve the relationships between employees and employer. Using employee opinion survey tool, business owners can produce many favorable results. Some of these results include improving and accessing employee satisfaction. With the help of this tool, one can examine the workforce engagement level, reinforce or gauge the current organizational climate and culture, improve retention levels, and understand employee’s expectations and issues. It also enhances customer satisfaction and thus improves business in the most effective way. It is very important to ensure confidentiality of participants in feedback results. Every organization should act upon the feedback given by the participants to ensure the activity level. Recent surveys have revealed that most companies do not act upon the surveys conducted by them. Acting upon the feedback can help organizations solve various problems. This also helps an organization to achieve employee satisfaction. Proper feedback can also result in the identification of high attrition rates and thus develop proper communication among employees. Satisfied employees simply mean satisfied customers and thus great productivity and success for an organization. The identity of participants should be kept confidential in order to achieve honest and accurate feedback. So, above points can help in making the employee opinion survey successful.

Exit interview survey software – To boost productivity

clock May 4, 2010 09:43 by author Administrator
Exit interviews are mainly conducted for those people who want to leave the job. These types of interviews can prove to be beneficial for an organization and also for an individual. These types of interviews are mainly conducted within an organization at the time of resignation. The interview mainly consists of common questions about the organizations. The main motive of this interview is to just boost the productivity of the organization. Nowadays, exit interview survey software is introduced within the organizations and interestingly more and more employers have started taking interest in this software to enhance productivity within an organization. The main advantage of this software is that it is very easy to handle and it can work in almost all types of work environments. It is already used in number of companies and there is a huge demand of this software in various MNC’s. Every company wants to create retention strategy and yes, this is what this software can do. There is no need to wait for long hours to make survey questions as this software assists greatly in creating complex surveys. Employee retention can play a crucial role in the reputation of a company and most companies are using exit interview survey software to retain its employees. When it comes to purchasing purposes, this software can be purchased online at very affordable prices. Online purchasing is the right way to get this software and there are so many payment options available for the convenience of customers. It also helps in creating customized surveys depending upon the interest and choice of customers. It is always recommended that employer should take professional help in case of customized surveys if they are not familiar with this software but it is very easy to use and easy to operate. So, exit interview survey software can really help in the retention of employees and growth of organization.

When in Doubt, Ask More Questions

clock November 5, 2009 13:48 by author Administrator
I am a strong advocate of the 85% rule: If the candidate has all the mission critical skills and demonstrates the capacity to learn and grow -- make him or her the offer. It is rare that in today's tight marketplace there is a 100% perfect candidate available -- let alone a perfect candidate who is ready to interview, in your price range and available at the exact time you need him or her. The opportunity cost of holding out for that candidate is sometimes too great. However, the cost of hiring someone in whom you lack complete confidence is also too great. If you're not sure that a candidate meets the 85% standard and you have doubts about skills in critical areas, ask more questions to make an informed decision. Technical Skills: Effective Interview Questions to Avoid a Snow Job Every industry is home to some fast talkers -- the people who know enough to be dangerous and can "snow" most recruiters and hiring managers in a one-hour interview. To weed out the people who really know their stuff, ask specific questions about projects on which they have worked. Present candidates with a situation similar to one that could be presented to them on the job and ask them specifically how they would respond. Ask for details about the steps they would take, the tools and resources they would use and their rationale for this approach. The answers you receive will provide you with insight into the candidate's ability to think through problems, approach to problem solving, knowledge of available resources and true technical capabilities. This approach is different than pure technical testing. Many of your best employees will not remember every technical rule or code they learned in school or on the job -- but they know exactly what questions to ask, where to get answers and how to implement the answers once they get them. How to Assess Written Communications Skills in Candidates Copywriters, journalists and public relations representatives are not the only people who need strong writing skills. For many positions, written communications skills are critical to success. In fact, most professional positions require a fair amount of written communication. When written communication skills are important, ask candidates for writing samples. For instance, a sales representative position requires verbal and writing sales skills. The sales cycle may include communication in person, by telephone, via email and by formal proposals. While a candidate's verbal sales skills are apparent in an interview, his or her ability to write is not. So ask the person for a writing sample. Give the candidate a small case study and have him or her come to the interview prepared with a sample letter or proposal in response to the case. There is nothing worse than being a sales manager burdened with editing every piece of communication a sales rep sends out prior to making a sale. There is something to be said for those grammar and composition classes many colleges and universities require during freshman year. Using Behavioral Interviewing to Assess Management Skills Being technically competent and being able to lead a team are two very different things. I see many projects collapse because the technical leads are rewarded with promotions to manager. When hiring a group manager of a technical team, management skills should take precedence over technical skills. A strong manager knows how to assemble the appropriate technical talent to get the job done on time, within budget and with the fewest headaches. Technical knowledge is critically important, but the ability to listen, give clear direction, remain objective, and motivate, appreciate, delegate and integrate a team of people is the true talent needed by managers. There are many behavioral/situational questions you can ask in an interview to draw out the true leaders. Be sure to study up on appropriate behavioral interviewing questions and ask many of them during management candidate interviews. Ability to Work in a Team: Listen Carefully to Candidate Responses Most work environments today are project-based and team-centered. Sometimes teams work closely together on a daily basis, while at other times everyone functions independently to deliver their piece of an integrated project. Either way, a candidate's ability to work well in a team is essential to most positions. Having worked in team environments doesn't mean a candidate is a strong team player. When interviewing for project members, it is critical to ask situational questions that require the candidate to think like a team player. If a person always answers a project related question with "I" did this and "I" did that -- rather than "we" did this or "we" did that -- you may want to dig deeper into his ability to work in a team. The best recruiters can extract the following from an individual: the types of project teams he or she has worked on, his or her role on the team, his or her contribution within that role, and his or her ability to integrate with, share with and help other team members. As always, when in doubt ask more questions, present more what-if situations and dig deeper.

Top 13 Managing Employees Mistakes

clock November 2, 2009 13:45 by author Administrator
1. Not making the transition from worker to manager As a worker, you were held accountable solely for your own job and responsibilities. Now, all of a sudden, you are responsible for the results of a group of people - not just for yourself. As a result, you must tap into a new set of business skills - people skills. Some of the best employees become the worst managers because they fail to make this transition. 2. Not setting clear goals and expectations The fastest way to derail your employees' engine is to leave them in the dark without goals and directives. Your employees will have few challenges and even less motivation. You must meet with your employees to develop attainable goals, to help them understand what is expected of them, and to give them a vision to work toward. Not only should you work with them to set the goals, but also to achieve the goals. 3. Failing to delegate You simply can't do everything by yourself. But, even if you could, it would not be an effective use of your time or your talent. Besides, when you delegate, you create more opportunities for your employees, and projects that at first seem overwhelming become totally manageable once assigned to a team. 4. Not recognizing employee achievement Do not get so caught up in your workload and the delegation of work that you overlook opportunities to acknowledge your employees' successes. In the midst of downsizing, uncertainty, and constant change, employee recognition, is more essential than ever, improving morale, performance, and loyalty. Most times the most effective reward is personal and written recognition. 5. Failing to communicate The health of companies depends on widespread dissemination of information. Poor managers use the control of information as power, to ensure they are the most knowledgeable, and therefore, the most valuable employees to an organization. However, employees have the right to know what is going on, so that they are able to make the best decisions for themselves as well as the organization. In this way, managers should be approachable. 6. Not making time for employees As a manager, you must make and take time for people. Managing is a people job. You must assess your employees' individual needs and address them. When employees talk, be sure you're there to listen. 7. Going for the quick fix over the lasting solution Many managers dispense painkillers when they should be finding the tumor and performing major surgery. As a manager, you will not last long just treating symptoms; you need to take the time to seek out long-term solutions to problems. 8. Starting your day without a plan of action Time management plays a large role in your day-to-day and long-term success. This entails doing the right things efficiently. Other people will take all your time if you let them, so you must begin each day with a clear idea of allotted personal time and employee time. 9. Working with a messy desk or work area Studies show that the person with a messy desk spends, on average, one and a half hours per day trying to find things or being distracted by things. This adds up to seven and a half hours a week in lost productivity, not to mention appearing very unprofessional. 10. Not taking a lunch break After several hours without eating, studies prove, that you start to dull out. Thus, a lunch break, even if it's just a short 15 minute break, helps to recharge your batteries, and more effectively handle afternoon tasks. Consistently skipping lunch to save time will only cost you in lost productivity. 11. Getting out of balance with your life Attention workaholics: there's more to life than work. You have health, family, financial, spiritual, intellectual, and social pursuits and aspects in your life. If you spend a sufficient quantity and quality of time in each area, you should feel happy and productive at work. It's when you neglect one or more areas in your life that other areas, especially your work life starts to show signs of suffering. 12. Resisting change The best managers around the world are positive and forward-looking. They proactively anticipate changes coming their way and make plans to address them before they hit their organization. Resisting change will get you nowhere. 13. Taking it all too seriously - Watch your ego A manager with a big ego will most likely alienate his/her employees. Pride is never justified as the basis for a business decision. Above all, you have to maintain a sense of humour. Make a fun environment for your employees and for yourself. When you retire you won't be remembered for your fantastic budget or discipline, people will remember someone who brightened their days.

How an Employee Satisfaction Survey Benefits Your Business

clock August 6, 2009 17:11 by author Administrator
Your employees are the backbone of your business. If they are unhappy, under trained, or unable to do their job correctly, your company's success suffers. Therefore an employee satisfaction survey can help you to stay on track with your employees and your business. Here are some of the ways an employee satisfaction survey can benefit your business. Ensure your employees know their jobs. A survey can help you keep tabs on your employees' attitude about their work. For example, a survey helps you make sure that your employees feel like they have been well trained in their jobs. There is nothing more frustrating for an employee than feeling like they don't know what they are supposed to be doing. Therefore, an under trained employee is an unhappy employee. And of course, this ultimately results in unhappy customers. Improve customer satisfaction rates. Making sure your employees feel like they are well trained helps in another way: It ensures that your customers are able to enjoy the standards that you have established for your company with as few frustrations as possible while doing business with you. While it may not be immediately obvious, an employee satisfaction survey ensures that your customers are happier, as well as ensuring your employees are happy and confident in their jobs. Ensure employees are happy. Happy employees make good employees, but happy employees also make devoted employees. This is important because fewer resignations mean fewer positions to fill with new hires. Not having to go through the process of hiring and training new employees saves your business both time and money, as you will see below. Save money spent on hiring and training new employees. There are no two ways about it: A business that has high turnover will spend a lot more money on hiring and training new employees than a business that has low turnover. First there is the cost of running the ads and paying somebody to go through applications and conduct interviews; even if that person is already on your payroll, it's time you're paying them when they could do something else more productive. Even after you have spent money on running ads, interviewing, and hiring a new employee, you have to spend more money on training. If you have a high turnover rate, you probably have a trainer, or even a training department, on staff. But even if you don't, you are paying somebody for time that could be spent on work that is more directly conducive to your company's success. Eliminate time wasted on hiring and training new employees. All of the processes described above take a lot of time, and you know the saying: Time is money. When you have your experienced senior employees spending time on training new hires, you are potentially costing yourself money by diverting resources away from activities that would be more beneficial to your business, both financially and in terms of long term success. I cannot stress more, training and hiring is expensive! Find out how to keep your employees. If you are noticing high or increasing turnover rates, an employee satisfaction survey may give you suggestions to keep more of your employees. Perhaps long-time employees feel that their pay does not accurately reflect their experience and devotion to your company; perhaps there is something you could do to make employees feel more at home with your company. Whatever the problem is, a survey can help shed light on the subject. Many business owners don't realize the powerful connection between your employees' happiness and your business's success. You can't have a successful business without happy, competent employees, so it makes sense to use an employee satisfaction survey to keep tabs on your employees' attitudes about their work and their workplace.