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Exit Interview Survey Software helps you to conduct tests

clock February 5, 2010 06:44 by author Administrator
Exit interviews are usually conducted to know the exact reason why employee wants to leave the job. Personal problems or better prospectus are the main reasons that they tell the HR but the fact is far away from the truth. There could be so many reasons behind the employee’s resignation and it is the responsibility of the Company to know the exact reasons. For this purpose, the exit interview survey software is introduced among Companies so that they can evaluate the main reasons and can further correct the necessary weaknesses in the company. This type of software is usually used by Company owners in order to make exit interviews effectively. There are several advantages of using this software in an organization and one can enhance the productivity by implementing these types of strategies into the company. It is also the best way to save lot of time and to correct several weaknesses within the company’s Administration or management. The key features of exit interview survey software are to control the increasing resignations in the company. The main benefit of this software is that it is very user friendly and it can work in simple environment. The software is used by whole management very easily and they can customize the questions as per their choice and interest. There are several other additional tools available with this amazing software which can be advantageous to use this software effectively. This software can help in evaluating the interest of the employee in the organization. It also helps in identifying the complicated issues of company and they can easily evaluate what is going right and wrong. One can identify the different management issues which should be resolved for further improvements. Exit interview survey software can prove to be beneficial for the organization in terms of saving time and further trouble.

Moving One Step Ahead with Exit Interviews

clock February 3, 2010 07:43 by author Administrator
It is very important for any company owner to know the reason why his employee wants to leave. The reasons for leaving the organization can be discovered by performing exit interview. The interviews conducted by Company’s HR may not find the accurate or authentic answers, so to know the valid and accurate reasons; these types of interviews are conducted by company owners. Sometimes, the employee may not want to offend the HR at that sensitive time. An experienced or third party consultant firm can collect some valuable wealth by conducting these types of sensitive interviews. The information gathered by these consultants can really help in guiding the management to perform several necessary changes in the organizations. There are lots of reasons behind the exit of employees. Sometimes, the HR already knows the exact reasons. Most of the times, the employee tells the reasons like personal problems, better prospects in another company but the company owner should be well known of the exact reasons. It may also be bad Administration, protection issues and several other reasons. If the employee is leaving due to these types of reasons, then it is the responsibility of the company to correct the necessary changes. Of course, Administrative details should be secured but the main cause of exit interview is to save company’s time and to avoid any further inconvenience. It is essential to introduce honest and good management which is necessary for any company. The company’s HR should always make sure that the deserving employee is not leaving devoid of any incident. Exit interview is as important as hiring and if handled in professional way, it can prove to be beneficial for the company as well for the employees. This strategy is helpful in providing constructive and good environment in the work place and overall it can add to the retention also.

When Employees Quit, Conduct an Exit Interview Survey

clock August 10, 2009 11:57 by author Administrator
Conducting an exit interview is worthwhile when your company takes seriously the information it garners from an employee who is leaving the job voluntarily. It not only offers your organization a chance to gain constructive lessons, but it is a tool for transferring knowledge that is walking out the door with the employee.An exit interview can also:
  1. Help smooth over relations with a disgruntled worker on the way out and possibly avoid formal complaints or lawsuits.
  2. Offer insight into the culture and function of the workplace. 
  3.  Help maintain a positive connection between the departing employee and the company.
Use exit interviews as a learning tool The practice of conducting meaningful exit interviews can send the positive signal that the organization wants to learn how it can improve and not lose other good employees. Utilize Software to conduct your exit interviews Utlizie cost-effective online exit interview survey software to take advantage of exit interviews with departing employees. Don’t take exit interviews personally Some experts recommend waiting five to seven weeks after an employee leaves to conduct the exit interview. That way the lessons can come back to the company in a form that it might digest and learn from rather than personalize and reject. Review interview basics As with any employee interaction, the conduct of the exit interview must be done properly, even more carefully because the interviewee has less of a stake in the process as he is walking out the door.